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Faculty Fellows Program 

The EEJI Faculty Fellows program supports a faculty learning community of eight faculty members per academic year who share research and teaching on new knowledge born out of the intersection of African American Studies and Environmental Studies. Each faculty fellow develops a research project related to race, racialization, and the environment and/or a course that will be redesigned on the basis of environmental justice. 

Community Environmental Justice Fellows

The EEJI Community Environmental Justice Fellows program is designed for environmental justice leaders and organizers who engage in collaborative research and teaching cultures that link classroom, campus, and community. One fellow each will be appointed for the fall and spring semester and two will be appointed for the summer. EEJI Community Environmental Justice Fellows apply for an appointment and indicate a specific issue or topic related to race, racialization, and the environment to pursue during their appointment. 

Environmental Justice Research Seminar

The EEJI Research Seminar convenes bi-monthly from September to May and engages new and cutting-edge research on environmental justice and on race, racialization, and the environment. The Seminar is a collaborative learning community to critically examine, address, and engage fresh perspectives on race, racialization, and the environment. Seminar meetings will include presentations from Seminar members as well as invited scholars and environmental justice advocates (around five per year). The Seminar is designed to support and sustain research capacity by building collaborative and mutually supportive networks between scholars and activists – and, by extension, inform the design of the proposed curriculum of a Science and Technology Studies program. 

EEJI Summer Institute 

The EEJI invites faculty, scholars, journalists, organizers, activists, and public officials to develop humanistic approaches to teaching, researching, and critically addressing issues of public concern based on a paradigm of environmental and epistemic justice. The Institute highlights issues of race, racialization, and the environment at the local and regional level with possible applicability in other communities in the United States. 

The Wake Forest University Environmental Justice Forum

The Wake Forest University Environmental Justice Forum is an innovative public engagement and educational initiative that offers public programs for citizens, environmental justice advocates, journalists, and public officials and serves as a convening space to engage critical intellectual resources and disseminate perspectives on environmental justice to inform public conversations and debates.